Payment Method

The total price of your order will include the product price + shipping fee on the day of shipment. (We have borne the customs tax)

At we offer a payment option: PayPal

When you choose PayPal during checkout, you will be redirected to their website where you can log in and finalize the payment. For more information, please visit the PayPal website.
Our payment system has 2048 bit encryption and secure servers which enables you to make your payment with complete confidence.

Why has my payment been declined?
- The transaction page has timed-out.
- Leaving the page before finishing the check-out procedure.
- Your PayPal account has insufficient funds or is not linked to any secondary option like a bank account or a credit card.
Please contact PayPal for detailed questions concerning your PayPal account.

Notification of such changes will be posted on this page. If you have any questions or comments about any of our policies, please contact us by Email (